The Requirements to become an Egg Donor:

The general requirements to become an Egg Donor may include:

  • Between the ages of 18-29

  • BMI of less than 27

  • Non smoker, non drug user

  • No family history of mental health issues

  • Must get a regular monthly period

  • Must have at least one semester of college completed

  • No depo shot or hormonal IUD unless you are willing to stop/remove it

    • Credit: Genesis Group

The Process of Egg Donation

There is a lot to know about having a successful egg donation journey so having a great agency helping you through the process can be a real benefit. The agency I have gotten to know and connected with is called Genesis Group. The have been in business for 20 years and they go the extra mile to make sure you have all your needs met as an egg donor. When you work with Genesis Group, you’re supported from start to finish. Their compensation runs above industry standard, corresponding to our distinguished clientele. I highly recommend them if you are interested in becoming an egg donor!

If you meet the requirements to become an egg donor; you can then move forward with matching with intended parents. As an agency Genesis Group will help you through each step of the process, from finding a good match, becoming medically cleared, navigating the legal contracts, helping you book your travel for the egg retrieval, etc. 

Egg Donor Timeline

  • Application and Interview: Once a Donor applies online, an extensive interview and consultation is scheduled to determine eligibility and discuss the egg donation process.

  • Profile Published: After the interview, the Egg Donor’s profile will become active and published in the database, where Intended Parents will be able to view her profile.

  • Psychological Screening: After being matched, an Egg Donor will have an appointment for the psychological screening and will take a multiple choice test (either PAI or MMPI).

  • Genetic Consultation: The Egg Donor will also have a consultation with a geneticist to go over family medical history and demographic history health.

  • Medical Screening: The clinic will schedule a 90 minute - 2 hour medical screening appointment. This will include a physical screening, transvaginal ultrasound, blood work (STD, nicotine, drugs, hormones, and genetics), and meeting with the nurse/doctor to go over the process again and answer any additional questions.

  • Legal Agreement: Once you have been medically cleared to move forward, the drafting and execution of the legal contract between the Intended Parents and the Egg Donor will commence.

  • Appointments and Medication: The Egg Donor will work with a nurse to confirm a treatment calendar that will include your appointment dates, medication information, and the estimated date for egg retrieval.

  • Egg Retrieval: Once the Egg Donor’s body is ready for egg retrieval, the eggs are extracted during a procedure that is done under anesthesia or twilight sedation and takes about 15-30 minutes. We recommend taking at least two days off to relax and recover.

I Want to be an Egg Donor. Now What?

If you meet the qualifications to become an egg donor and are ready to commit to the required medical procedures and legal process and, you are ready to take the preliminary steps in the process, CONGRATULATIONS on this amazing first step!!

Are you ready to become an Egg Donor? Click here to learn more about Genesis Group and start an application! Want to learn more about the Egg Donation process? Stay tuned for a full episode on my YouTube soon.


  • How long does the process typically take? After being matched, the process typically takes about 3 months. The most time consuming part is the 2 week time period while you are on medication.

  • Can I work or go to school after the retrieval? We recommend you take at least one-two days off after the retrieval. Most women are fine to resume normal activity the next day.

  • When can I resume working out?  You should not resume exercise regimens or sexual intercourse for a minimum of two weeks post retrieval while your body recovers.

  • How long will I be taking injections? You will be on injections for about 8 to 12 days.